Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The second 'surprise' party

So the hall mates threw me another party yesterday with an absolutely delish cake, nice presents and still-in-the-making card. It wasn't as much of a surprise as the last one cos I already suspected something was in the works but it was still great nonetheless cos most of my good friends were there or made some sort of appearance. Thanks girls for going through so much trouble, even with the exams coming up and tests, lab reports and whatnot :)

Now on to how they tried to surprise me. Nithiya comes up and says she wants to go for supper, so of course I go and pretend I don't know what's going on. Well to be fair, I thought they only gathered the Block B people to celebrate but when I got down, once again I went "Oh my goodness!" Not only my block people, but also the Rag Materials Engineers and CMB Publicity people! I think I'm always pleasantly surprised by people whom I didn't expect to be there and were there. Then the usual singing and opening of the present. Prezzie was a black and white bikini, very nice. They put it in the egg that we made for one of our concerts. Oh I forgot about the other "present". One of the Loveboxes, given to me by my lovely subcomm. The box is extremely pretty! Btw a little birdie told me that they were at a loss for ideas on the card. Apparently I've not trained them well enough :(

Special mention goes to the cake. Obviously it was so good! Who can resist the Chocolate Banana cake from Secret Recipe, one of the 50 best cakes in Singapore according to Lifestyle? Scrumplicious!

And then of course came all the highly embarrassing moments of teasing and forcing me to wear the bikini over my grubby shorts and t-shirt in the COMM HALL! But since I'm in an especially forgiving mood, I'll let it go this time.

Once again thanks a lot for making this so wonderful! Two surprise parties! I'm a lucky person, don't you think?

Monday, April 14, 2008

More than words

Okay it's official, yesterday's surprise party was the best! Fine I've only had one surprise party but it's the best birthday present thus far. Thank you No Rejects and to the bandies that turned up :) i really appreciate you all making your way to my place and getting lost and all.

It all started when Halimah asked me to go out to Parkway Parade and to the library with her. She always does that so I didn't suspect a thing although I was wondering why she took so long to choose her books. Then we went to Parkway and I bought my groceries and while we're at NTUC she tells me that she urgently needs to use my computer to send some information to the Mendaki Scholarship people cos they needed it today, meaning Sunday. Puzzled, I said "I can't believe they're working on a Sunday" and her reply was that they were waiting for her email. We reach my place and I get a shock when I enter cos I see the coffee table set up with stuff and behind me Arisya and Lishan blow those noisemaker things. Then I open the door to the spare room and I get an even bigger shock when I see Huishan, Enru, Deon, Shaun and Yaofeng there! You should've seen my face! I think you will anyway, when I get the photos from Huishan.

Anyway the entire thing was great cos the theme was childhood dreams so there was pizza, Rabbit sweets, jellies and fake Smarties and my birthday cake was a boxful of doughnuts! WHEEE. They made me dress up in this witch's costume and obviously snapped a photo at the same time. I probably looked ridiculous and unglam cos I didn't care less when I dressed that morning.

Having all of them there was wonderful, really. I was extremely touched that the girls went to so much trouble to plan this and what made all the better was that not only did they throw a surprise party, but they tried to get all my friends there. Unfortunately some of them couldn't make it cos of exams but it's okay. I'm glad I was so clueless about the entire thing cos that's what made it more than great.

It was bloody brilliant. Thank you for making my 21st so memorable. Special mention goes out to my mother who was also in on the conspiracy.

It was just the thing to make me almost forget what I left behind in hall, almost.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Nevermind if you don't understand

Edit on 11/04 @ 03 50: I feel so ashamed that I am partly the cause of the unhappiness in the block. I feel like burying my head somewhere in the sand. But although I know what we are doing is fair, I honestly cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die did not want it to turn out this way. I'm starting to have second thoughts when I heard that blockhead might break the rules for us. I don't want to be like So-and-So and gang; I'd rather move than be like them.

I was so fuming mad earlier, steam was almost coming out of my ears and I wouldn't have been half surprised if I burst a vessel.

This is copied directly from an email I received regarding the all-important room allocation:

Allocation will be done according to 2 criteria:

1. Seniors will have the priority.

a. (Blk B has always given the seniors the priority regarding room allocation and I do believe that this is a good tradition to follow. =) )

2. The number of points will be the second criteria

a. (If there are 2 residents of the same year are fighting for the same room, the room will be allocated to the one with the higher points)

"Seniors have priority"? WHAT A FREAKING JOKE. I can't believe that we were fighting with 2 stupid, dumb, bimbotic, brainless, half-baked TWITS (read: freshies) for rooms that we wanted. All because we wanted one of the rooms that they were staying in and they refused to budge because they're "attached to their rooms." Why, half an hour ago, the aforementioned YEAR ONES were all too willing to change their rooms. Now just because things aren't going your way, you make things difficult for us graduating seniors. Well, three can play the same dirty game you're playing.

Basically the story's this: We wanted their rooms and the dingbats refuse to move. Technically we could kick their sorry asses elsewhere cos according to the rules set by Mr. Blockhead, seniors get priority. However blockhead says that if we want to move into a room, we must come to a mutual consensus with the current owners of the room. In our situation the airheads refused to move, therefore it's not nice to take their rooms. Hello, you mean that if people don't wanna get out, other people who get to choose first cannot take their rooms? Your so-called "criteria" goes down the drain then, doesn't it? If that's it, then it's just a formal system that you put in place to make you look like you're doing your job!

The saga continues: The dimwits then call a senior who uses another senior (who's not confirmed a room, I might add) as a pawn to block us from moving to where we want. At this point, I was complaining to someone and someone else tells me, "Stay strong, don't back down." Anyway in the end, the two of us managed to kick those imbeciles out while I move down a level to stay with likeable people.

I am absolutely furious that I'm fighting with bloody FRESHIES to get what I want. I'm not even fighting with my own batch mates! All three of us beat those 2 idiots on both criteria, seniority and points. I worked damn hard for the hall and this is what I get? Once again, on a different floor from my friends, compromising to dumbasses when they refuse to give way to us, we who have done loads more for the hall than them. Don't give me your fake smiles and high voices, telling me bullshit like you're attached to the room and you like the short wing cos it's quieter. Missies, you forget that I live in the short wing too and it's anything but quiet.

And what's this about waiting list people being able to choose a room? Wake up and smell the coffee! They're not even guaranteed a freaking room!

Actually, this entire situation could've been avoided if all rooms were up for grabs. I don't see the point of coming to a consensus about the rooms, except that it's more courteous to do so.

Undoubtedly, block head is an apt name.