Saturday, February 06, 2010

just enjoy the show

I really can't stand doctors who have no hesitation and all the patience in the universe to teach other doctors, yet don't have an iota of tolerance to bear with new nurses. I find it so disgusting and hypocritical that sometimes I just want to tell them, "We also need the practice. If you can put up with junior doctors, surely you can put up with junior nurses." After all, I think most people would judge others by how they treat those below them and not by how they treat their equals. Though they probably don't give a hoot about what others think of them since they're already big-shot consultants.

The SMU band concert is on Friday and I'm rather disappointed that I won't be able to make it. A few of my favourite pieces will be in the repertoire and I was looking forward to listening to another band perform them, instead of being part of the band that's playing them. I've tried being all optimistic and telling myself that I'm saving money but that was a total bust. Optimism is useless when they're going to be playing Phantom and Persis!

I thought I'd be able to swap shifts with someone but since I'm working 11-8pm that Friday, I'm quite sure no one will want to change with me. I'm a bit fed up that I seem to be the one who is always willing to exchange shifts but when I want to do so, no one suitable will swap with me. Though I can understand why, I just feel kind of used in a way. Oh well, I always try to tell myself to be nice to everyone and just stay out of all the politicking. (Is politicking even a word?)

Since I mentioned the politics, god it's awful. It's a dirty word, that. Though I'm sure it's the same everywhere, I still detest it. I try to stay out of it but I can't help being swept up in it a little. There are always whispers floating around and people bitching about each other from time to time. Plus I found out that people actually tattle on each other! Or maybe it's only that one person. And note to self: DO NOT rely on first impressions, you're usually more wrong than right. I think I'm too naive and not cynical enough in the workplace. I guess it's probably all to do with survival of the fittest and climbing that damn ladder.

Okay I realised this entry is as random as the things that happen to Arthur Dent in Hitchhiker's but I'm too lazy to edit.


Blogger teddyger said...

I hate doctors who're like that too! My brother tells me that the MO he used to work with is very nice, but that MO is a total bastard where it comes to nurses! Why the difference?! elitist piece of shit.

Anyway yeah politicking anywhere is disgusting. I just wonder why we think it's okay in school (or hall, for that matter) but it's just not okay at work places.

6:07 PM  
Blogger teddyger said...

oh and it's me yiwen haha

6:08 PM  
Blogger Dina said...

I recognise your nickname! I think I found it fine in hall cos I knew when I left, all these petty squabbles wouldn't matter anymore. I suppose I could apply it to the workplace but it's a little harder cos more's at stake than just being the head of some committee.

1:28 PM  
Blogger J said...

Arthur Dent had to deal with months of isolation with nothing but a towel for company. It was a very nice towel, but still.

5:06 AM  

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