Saturday, October 09, 2010

Sister is releasing the Leave Request book for next year on Monday but I'm going for the OT course! *wails* Even though she says it's not on a first-come-first-serve basis, I still feel a bit bad for putting my name when I already see 3 people scheduling for that week. Normally, the exact dates I take my annual leave (AL) wouldn't matter but this time, I have big plans: I intend to be in either England or America for the release of Deathly Hallows Part 2!! Ideally, I would like to be there for the premiere when all the stars attend (I might see JK Rowling herself!) but I don't know when that is. Halimah says it's usually a week before but I hope not cos I probably won't be there on 8th July. Thus, timing is crucial and I'm going to just repress whatever consideration I have for other people and just book it for when I want it.

I'm gangsta like that.