Monday, September 03, 2007

Tutoring Reese

Stupid Thing #1: Miss South Carolina's (Teen USA) answer to her question. Complete with appropriate comment from judge, brains not included. The contestant's brains I mean, not the judge's.

I guess her brain went into overdrive and short-circuited when it encountered such a "difficult" question.

Stupid Thing #2: The South Korean missionaries who went into Muslim-overrun Afghanistan.
I mean seriously, what were they thinking? Oh wait, were they even thinking? I really don't want to call them stupid cos you know, I might go to hell for this, but they were extremely silly and naive. I'm not the shrewdest person around but even I know I should keep at least 2 countries away from a war-torn nation.

Stupid Thing #3: NUS is planning to implement the option to S/U a module only after the exam results are released and ONLY to the batch matriculating in 07/08 onwards.
What the hell? How much time have we spent agonising over our decision to S/U or not? How many people have regretted S/Uing after they found out they scored an A? Fine it's never happened to me but it has happened to others I know. If the freshmen were graded on a different bell curve from us maybe it wouldn't be so bad but they're not, as far as I know. We're competing on a module-by-module basis and they'll be taking the same modules as us so it's not fair! NUS should extend this option to all seniors as well cos our CAP is so precious to us. I only hope that the S/U forum in IVLE will actually make a difference and it's not just there to show people that NUSSU are pretending to do something when in the end, they'll just say that it can't be changed. The NUSSU people are students too so I really wish they'll fight for this.

It's too bad stupid doesn't hurt.


Blogger squawks said...

Wooo... The South Carolina thing too over commented liao.

Anyway, i was really quite aghast at the Koreans so well i was told i have been a tad too sarcastic. haha.

You need a tagboard la!

3:11 AM  
Blogger Dina said...

Hm now that you mention it, I do agree that Miss South Carolina has been over-commented on. I was just so appalled with her stupidity.
And yes, you were VERY sarcastic but I still found it funny =)

11:54 PM  

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