Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Things You Might Not Know about Me

Arisya tagged me to do this. (Could I sound more boring?!)

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 5 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

1) I must apply Johnsons&Johnsons Baby Powder on my body after I shower. I just feel so much cleaner and less sticky afterwards. On the rare occasion that I don't do so, it must be because the powder's finished. Caution: Make sure your body's totally dry before application. We all know what happens when powder mixes with water and then it just defeats the entire purpose of putting on powder in the first place.

2) If I happen to bump into a friend I'm not close to, I don't normally go up to say Hi cos I always have this feeling that they won't remember me. But so far, the people I've acknowledged haven't forgotten me so maybe I'm not as insignificant as I thought I was :)

3) I love all miniature versions of things! I cannot begin to tell you how extremely extremely cute I find them. The greater the detail, the better. I squeal in an embarrassing manner whenever I see something in its miniature form and let me tell you, I don't squeal often. That's how much I love them.

4) Some of you know this but I think most don't. I can't bend my left arm fully cos of a fracture I had when I was about 5 or 6. I was playing on the monkey bars and I fell. Started crying, someone alerted my mother and she came rushing to the park on a bicycle! Of course at the time I didn't find that hilarious at all but thinking about it now, it was pretty funny :)

5) I have a pretty big (shan't reveal exactly how big) poster of Draco Malfoy on the wall next to the computer. No explanation necessary for this one.

6) I didn't like playing with Barbie when I was young. Not that I hate playing with dolls - I had a Cabbage Patch Kid - but I just didn't find Barbie very interesting. There were so many other things to do anyway, like playing in the park, cycling and exploring new places like my neighbourhood canal. I had so much fun playing outside that, to me, Barbie dolls were nothing great.

So those are the 6 weird fact/things/habits about myself. As for the 5 people to be tagged...uh everyone who reads this, you can go do it if you want to.

I'm off to watch the last episode of Charmed!


Blogger Nazri said...


nazri :)

10:20 PM  

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