Thursday, March 30, 2006

Sleepless In Singapore

Once again, I find myself unable to go to sleep even though I'm quite tired. What can I say, I'm a freaking owl! Which is not always a good thing.

I have finally sent in my application to NUS after much anguish over the choice of course. This might come as a shocker to many but I have decided to put my first choice as... *drumroll please* nursing! Paediatric nursing actually, cos I love kids :) I'm so happy to have found something I'm interested in at last. Well, maybe not really at last cos I have always, always loved food but when I brought up the idea of going to SHATEC, my mother wasn't too keen on it. Anyway, after that I realised that I liked eating food more than I liked cooking it so that was that.

As the aftermath of my announcement, those of you who have known me long enough will probably be asking "But Dina, whatever happened to marine biology?" Well, I found out that it wasn't exactly what I imagined it to be. (Editor's Note: Why is it whenever I tell people I want to be a marine biologist, they inevitably ask "You gonna work in Underwater World ah?" and they start snickering away. Whoever said I was going to work in Singapore? And btw fish are not the only creatures they work with!)

Ok it's 2.18am and I'm getting sleepy. I must get out of this habit of sleeping late and waking up late. It's totally messing up my body clock.

words of the day: precocious. indulgent. duress.


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