Friday, September 08, 2006

*pulls out hair, screams and kicks around*

It's 1.54am and I'm still awake trying to digest the insane article that is "The nature of philosophy of science, theory and knowledge relating to nursing and professionalism". I swear, I've never felt that my language was bad, up to now. I understand only every other sentence and every 5 minutes I have to look up some cheem word or phrase in the dictionary. Like for instance, positivistic logic. "What in the world is that?" I hear you ask. I have no idea! And yet, my module Professional Issues and Practices (I call it PIP for short) requires us to understand these difficult terms which, in all honesty, we will probably NEVER use again. Just like relative velocity.

Actually PIP is the only module that actually inspires me to study harder and to become the best nurse that I can be. So I guess it's not all bad, plus my lecturer is super duper nice.

Think I'm going to give up and sleep soon. #@%$^$#%^ philosophy!

When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive.


Blogger alternatefreak said...

I understand positivistic logic!

I read about it in my Political Inquiry textbook haha! And can you believe I'm taking a Philosophy module. Would you die in my shoes? Well I'm sorta dying myself. But I'm sure you the nurse knows everyone has to die someday. What matters is what happens after we die.. -gets all philo again-

4:15 AM  

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