Monday, November 03, 2008

"Some things must be seen to be believed..."
Sean Bai's message to the raggers and non-raggers alike:

To the fortunate who ventured thus far,

It is too cliché to simply attribute the possibility of you chancing upon this webpage and our meeting here to fate. Instead, since you have come such a long way amidst your busy piles of deadlines, windows of entertainment and calls for commitment, why not take a little tour in our little portal?

What is RAG, you may ask? It has always been the greatest frustration of any ragger to put down into words, the motivation and driving force that sets our heart into cast as we step forth into this journey of self discovery.

Some describe RAG as an arduous yet meaningless waste of materials, time and energy, possibly a gargantuan façade meant to please the elites at the top, a show for the important people but definitely an economically unsound and socially irrational project. I DO NOT disagree. Not at all.
However, I beseech you to take a minute to listen to what I have to offer in retrospect.

How many of us have never done anything out of impulse? Where we have placed our hearts right in the driving seat, rather than our mind? How many times when we have done something driven by passion, by adrenaline, oblivious to the laughs and disapproval of those around us? How do we put a value to all that?

If we had led our lives based on economically maximizing values, life would probably have lost its purpose and meaning. If we had made friends according to their economical potential towards us, that would have been a transaction, not friendship. If we had bled and sweat for a project for the sake of the financial returns, that would be working, not experiencing. If we had dedicated time thinking about our future considering only our individual economical viability, that would be existing, not living. We pen the way we live - we live our lives our way.

Often, it has been these ‘silly’ choices which we made, that we truly treasure upon hindsight. The times when we were silly, the times when we committed our life to a mysterious future, the times when we truly believed in living for what we loved.

Now, you have that choice again. It is always easier to run away but we will never grow stronger when we don’t face the tribulations. It is always easier to be on the side of the laughing crowd. But let everyone laugh at us for being lost in our passion. We will laugh back at them for losing their passion. Years down the road, what will you hold dear? You decide.

RAG is not a 3-month long project. It is a lifelong commitment. Your heart stays and grows with it. Do not let the world petrify your heart. Faith is a weird thing. We commit our lives into the hands of the pilot who steers our plane, yet we do not have the faith to do something groundbreaking, the courage to leave a legacy. Stand up and make yourselves heard. We will narrate our own chronicles, compose our own melodies and indite our own ending. Our story will not be bovine. It will be an epic. Be part of our bestseller.


As always, his words are truly inspirational.

"...some things have to be believed to be seen."


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