Monday, October 13, 2008

Twilight: another ending

Edit @ 01 30, 15/10/08: Just in case there's any confusion, Twilight didn't spark my fascination with vampires, it was Buffy the Vampire Slayer that did. I have always loved all things mythological anyway, just that nothing in recent years, besides HP of course, has got me this excited. Thus I didn't jump on the vampires-are-cool bandwagon only now so please don't think that I did, cos I'd sound even more superficial haha.

Dammit, I honestly can't believe I'm hooked onto the Twilight books.

When I first heard about it being the next Harry Potter, I was skeptical. Nothing in my mind could be fantastic as HP and its wonderful world, much less some vampire romance. Then cos the movie was coming out and there was so much hype, I decided to read Twilight. Yes, I'll be the first to admit that I'm a junkie for bestsellers :) I mean they have to be somewhat good if they remain on the Bestseller List for weeks right?

I borrowed the book, started...and couldn't stop. I can't really pinpoint exactly what it was that kept me reading hour after hour, maybe it's cos Edward Cullen is perfect: the dream boyfriend, straight-A student and oh-so mysterious that I feel compelled to find out more about him.

I realise the book is terribly shallow - thus making me a terribly shallow person - but I love love love Edward! Reading the first draft of the first chapter of Midnight Sun, which is Twilight from Edward's perspective makes him all the more awesome. I really can't wait for it to be published cos then I get more insight into his actions. He's a more complex character than Bella so it should make for a good read.

I have to admit that though the book is nowhere near as good as HP, which has infinitely more depth, I like being all enthusiastic about something again. I find myself scouring websites for set photos, articles and wallpapers, and watching E! News in hopes that they'll have something on the Twilight cast. It helps that Robert Pattinson, who plays Edward, is looking pretty good in the movie though some people don't think so. I didn't too, at first, but my loyalty for him from GOF mitigated the fact that he's not nearly as perfect as I pictured. He's starting to grow on me though, as is Kristen Stewart who plays Bella. Pity the movie's only coming out in December over here, while it opens in November in the States.

Now anxiously waiting for Arisya to lend me New Moon :(

I decided as long as I was going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly. - Edward Cullen


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