Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Lying Bitch in the Wardrobe =)

Okok it's actually The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Watched it today with LiShan and Halimah. Arisya is in Sydney, the lucky thing. Everyone should go watch Narnia, it's one of the best movies I've seen this year. Also cos of Aslan and Peter =) they rock.

Thought the intro was a tad too long. We get it, there's a war going on. Move on already! Lucy is SO adorable! And the Beavers are quite funny. Tilda Swinton is freakin intimidating as the White Witch. I forgot what actually happens to her in the end; all I know is she didn't die. Aslan is so cool. I'm in love with his voice. Haha. I just find it very reassuring, like everything will be alright as long as he's around.

The special effects are really really good though at some parts it's too CGI for me. That can't be helped however. The movie's got a lot of humour which is very enjoyable. Some scenes are quite Lord of the Rings-y like the battle sequence which I wish was longer! See lah, spend too much time dropping bombs in the intro. tsktsk. Weta Workshop, who did the LOTR costumes and stuff, also did Narnia , which explains the LOTR similarity. Narnia has a larger variety of creatures so more work for them. Fun Fact: CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien were friends. Betcha didn't know that.

Overall the movie's great. Go watch it!

"You never know when's your last meal, especially with your cooking." - Beaver

EDIT: Roch insists that White Witch died but I really think she didn't! Someone help!

EDIT EDIT: Erm I think I was wrong. She did die in the 2nd book. Sorry Rowshelles!


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